28 November 2007

Something from the weekend

If every portrait session was like this, I would be such a happy bunny. I have never met such an amazing family and all the kids were just brilliant. The day started around 10.30-11:00am and finished around 3.30pm and then having to get back to show the images at 8pm. What a long day, but it was sooooooo much fun!!

The nice part was that not once did anyone complain especially as the day was a typical winter's day. The the images from the day are so varied, ranging from railway crossing/tracks (where I nearly electrocuted myself but thats another story), forest and beach to name but a few.

Thanks again Zoe!! ;-)))))


firefly said...

I love first photo esp. the girl's vaguely disdainful expression. And oh the pretty yet muddy shoes!

Anonymous said...

I love these, thanks for stopping by my blog !! Expats unite ;)