23 September 2008

Oscar Ball

Galway was fortunate to have its own Oscar night recently but with a twist. It was a Make A Wish Foundation charity fundraiser here at the Clayton hotel owned by John Glynn.

I was there to help cover some of the guests with the help of these two old timers who proved to be a real treat and a laugh too. I have no idea how they did the twist the fork trick but it really got everyone wanting to know its secret. I think the best one was the two teaspoons trick, which was hilarious watching when people were rubbing the spoons on their chest trying to generate enough static - yeah right, if that was ever going to work!! lol

There were lots of people here willing to dig into their already deep pockets and provide some help and assistance to a worthy charity so well done everyone who took part. There were also some excellent prizes to be won including a childrens quad bike and protective gear, massive LCD TV, paintings and trips to various amazing hotels in and around Ireland.

For those who were there and want access to see the images via www.mikepatterson.com, please email me directly to mike[at]mikepatterson[dot]com to get the password.

Here are a small selection of images taken on the night.

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